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Death Spiral, 2019, Trailer

The work’s point of departure is found footage, documenting a natural phenomenon named “death spiral”, whereby a group of “blind” ants lose the pheromone track of their foraging party and begin to follow one another in an inwards spiral, until they die from exhaustion. To highlight the formal beauty of this tragedy, an “optical flow” algorithm was used to track the ants’ movements. The soundtrack, incorporated with Sufi music, creates a multilayered experience in which mankind and animal, the natural and the artificial, image and drawing become two sides of the same coin.

Cyclone, 2021, Trailer

The starting point is the found stunning footage documenting the movement of herd in the circle that makes it impossible for predators to target an individual in the herd.

In order to emphasize the hypnotic visual of such phenomenon in the world of nature, I employed my drawings to track the movements of the giant herd and create, a multilayered experiences in which mankind and animal, the natural and the artificial, image and drawing become two sides of the same coin.

Let’s Dance, 2021, Trailer

 this video art Inspired by the 16th-century "dance plague." The video is mostly made up of my drawings.
Residents of Strasbourg, France, found themselves twisting their lives away when a mystery ailment caused hundreds of people to dance nonstop.
It begins when a young woman, takes to dancing in the streets. Within weeks, people of all ages dance day and night until they collapse and dropped down and died .

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